Josephine Butler

Social reformer, campaigner and activist

Josephine Butler was a great social reformer more than 100 years ago. She was committed to the cause of establishing social justice and equality for all citizens before the Law.

She campaigned vigorously against the sexual exploitation of women, and the State organisation of prostitution*. She became internationally respected, and her efforts had a profound effect.

She took a great interest in women’s education (including access to higher education). In 1867 she became president of the North of England Council for the Higher Education of Women. In 1868 she published a pamphlet “The Education and Employment of Women” and pressured Cambridge University into offering further education courses for women. The introduction of the Cambridge Higher Examination for Women in 1869 led eventually to the foundation of the women’s college, Newnham at Cambridge.

In the UK, she led the Campaign for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts of 1864-1869 (they were suspended in 1883 and repealed in 1886). She was also instrumental in raising the age of consent from 13 to 16 (in 1885) as part of a campaign against child sexual exploitation. In 1875 she founded an international federation to oppose government regulation of prostitution.

At a personal level, Josephine Butler opened her Liverpool home to care for women in need and single women with children. Her work was inspired by a deep Christian faith, and she is remembered officially in the Church of England Calendar on 30th May each year.

*Please note that the use of the word ‘prostitution’ is used here in its historical context only.