Our Principles
Our work is guided by a core set of principles that shape everything we do.
JBS believes in equality, safety and justice for all before the law.
JBS is a pressure group seeking to address the exploitation and marginalisation of sex workers.
JBS stands for the rights of people of all sexual and gender identities. JBS is an LGBTQIA+ ally.
JBS stands in solidarity with all those affected by HIV and AIDS. We recognise that sex workers of all genders are impacted by HIV and AIDS and that this stigma can further compound abuse, violence and marginalisation.
JBS supports legislative changes that reduce the risk of harm, abuse and / or discrimination affecting sex workers.
JBS condemns all those who procure, coerce, control and / or traffic people into sex work and all those who abuse sex workers.
JBS is not a ‘pro-sex work’ organisation. We do not accept that sex work is always a choice – nor do we believe that it is always a consequence of coercion. JBS recognises that the majority undertake sex work due to circumstance, such as economic necessity.
JBS supports organisations which campaign, and / or provide aid and help to improve the lives of sex workers. This includes organisations which offer routes away from sex work for those who wish to stop / leave.
The Society’s Principles were approved at the Special General Meeting of the Josephine Butler Society held on 8th July 2024.