By becoming a member, you can help us to fund our campaigns and strategic work, as well as our provision of grants to organisations working on the frontline.
About Membership
​Becoming a Member of the Josephine Butler Society gives you full access to our latest news, reports and events, as well as a yearly copy of our News and Views emailed and/or posted straight to your door.
Membership Types
Annual Membership
Annual membership to the Josephine Butler Society costs £20.00. If you are on a low income or have lived experience of sex work, please see further membership options below. We operate on a basis of trust in our members, and do not request evidence.
Annual Membership for People with Lived Experience of Sex Work
We offer free membership for all those with lived experience of sex work. This applies to all types of sex work, all experiences and all lengths of time, both historic and current. We do not ask for evidence of lived experience.
Annual Membership for People on Low Incomes and/or Universal Credit or Equivalent
If you are on a low income and/or universal credit or equivalent, you can choose the concessionary fee of £12.00 for the year. We do not ask for evidence of low income, universal credit or equivalent receipt.
Questions and Enquiries
For any questions and membership enquiries, please email us at: info@josephinebutlersociety.org